Rather Be Lucky Than Good

Dr. Ronda Karion sat behind the wheel of her silver Lexus, parked on the fourth floor of the University’s garage. She eyed the rear-view mirror. Marc, reflected, lurked in the shadows behind a column.

This role of getaway car driver was new for Ronda. Typically she’d be doing the breaking and entering, with Marc as lookout. But he’d been keen to switch roles for this particular mission, which suited her fine.

She smiled wryly. The past year sure had produced some unexpected twists. It all began that fateful Sunday, when Dr. Marc Rook had cornered her in her office. He had discovered her little habit, lifting attractive objects that weren’t hers. She was busted. It was a wake-up call, a signal that she would need to be more careful, starting that very minute.

Marc wasn’t her type. But it was kind of sexy, the way he’d gotten right down to business. “Dr. Karion—”

“Ronda. Please.” She had looked him directly in the eyes and smiled. She felt her adrenaline receding, regrouping, refocusing on the task before her.

“I need access to Dean Stanton’s office, Ronda. I know he’s up to something. No way can he afford that fancy car and house on his salary.”

She cocked her head, regarding him. “Why the interest in Stanton, particularly?”

He glowered. “The bastard slept with my wife.”

Ronda snapped back to the present as she watched the waxed black Tesla cruise past. It slowed as it approached the parking spot with the white sign reading “Reserved – Dean.” Marc’s posture shifted, and she knew he’d seen it too. She tapped her feet on the floor mat, feeling a surge of energy. Pretty soon, it would be show time.

After their little meeting last spring, Ronda had helped the recently divorced Marc get what he wanted, a look at the kilogram of cocaine hidden in Stanton’s filing cabinet. Shortly after that, she and Marc wound up in bed together, invigorated by the hunt. But Ronda wasn’t the only thing Marc took a shine to. Pumping Stanton for hush money only whetted his appetite for crime. Together they’d snooped around the campus buildings, Ronda lifting a watch here, a jump drive there. While objects attracted her, secrets intrigued Marc. He seemed to enjoy their sneaking almost as much as she did.

It had been fun. But lately, things had gotten tricky. They’d filched one too many items, rifled through one too many drawers. Stanton had started making noises about bringing cameras into the academic buildings where the professors had their offices.

Something had to be done.

Across the garage, Dean Stanton exited his car, locked it, and strolled toward the elevator, whose doors slid closed behind him. Time to execute the plan. Ronda pulled out her cell phone and made one final call.

It was a nice car, that Tesla. So shiny. Ronda reached into her bag, retrieved the device she’d purchased on the internet, punched in a code, and pressed a button. The Tesla’s lights flashed once as its doors unlocked.

Marc looked around, then darted over to the Tesla and opened the door. She didn’t know exactly what type of vandalism he’d planned, but knowing how much he hated Stanton, it ought to be good.

Five minutes later, blue and red lights played across the garage’s low ceilings as two police cars sped up the ramp.

Marc froze. Ronda glanced into the mirror at her lover’s face. To her surprise, she felt a small pang at the thought of him being taken from her. The pang faded as the police began their patdown.

She smirked. Middle-aged paunch or not, Marc had been pretty good in the sack. But Stanton had been even better.

Good old Stanton. After a few months, meeting secretly at his mansion and a few motels, they knew it couldn’t last. So they came to an agreement. She’d take care of his blackmailer, and he’d write that letter of recommendation she needed. Ronda fingered the diamond necklace she’d helped herself to (his wife would never miss it). What a nice going-away present.

Ronda shifted into reverse, backed out, and exited the garage. Her new job at Middlesex University started next month. She had a plane to catch.

She’d have a few weeks to explore England. First stop: a visit to the Tower of London to see the crown jewels.

Writing prompt: Create a story using the main character from Scavenger


  1. Nice job filling in Ronda's backstory for new readers! I like how you "yes, and"ed the OP. The only criticism I can think of is most of this short story takes place outside the "Now" of the crime on Stanton's property. The twist of Ronda being involved with both men might hit home more if the reader was being pushed and pulled into back and fore stories.

  2. Ronda fingered the diamond necklace she’d helped herself to (his wife would never miss it). What a nice going-away present. <-- this was great. It is true to the character and maybe even foreshadows trouble for Stanton.
    None of the characters involved are "good" though you framed it in a way that I grinned at finds a triumph.

    Ronda snapped back to the present <-this wasn't as strong as the other sentences in your piece


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