Kyrielle #1

Because I do love poetry,
This challenge was an easy sell.
And so last evening, woe is me,
I tried to write a kyrielle.

Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained,
That's great advice that’s served me well.
I simply could not have abstained;
I tried to write a kyrielle.

I loved the thought of that refrain,
The chorus pealing like a bell.
And so, though it has caused me pain,
I tried to write a kyrielle.

The words would simply not obey.
My combinations would not gel.
I tossed out five drafts yesterday.
I tried to write a kyrielle.

I may have learned a thing or two,
Like: people, treat your poets well.
I understand what they go through.
I tried to write a kyrielle.

I will not lie to you, my friend,
I learned this form is hard as hell,
That grateful, fateful evening when
I tried to write a kyrielle.

If you're reading this, Rowan... your kyrielle instructions were excellent! I tried to write a beautiful, deep, lyrical poem, and bombed big time! Guess I should stick to tritinas. Ha!


  1. “Like: people treat your poets well.” Amen. We get such a bad rap sometimes when all we want to do is play with words. Your scansion and rhyme are solid. I only stumbled on the “I tossed out” line. I wanted to hit “out” and “draft,” but that might be just my speech patterns.

  2. I love this, totally! My only attempt at a kyrielle was a disaster. I've been avoiding to try it again ever since. You made it look so easy, I know it's true when you had to discard five drafts.
    And yes, People, treat your poets well.

  3. This is a really fun, if oh-too-realistic, poke at process. This right here is why I don't tend to write poetry. It's hard! I simply appreciate you folks who do it well! I agree with Nate on the "I tossed" line, but for me it was the 3 syllable "yesterday" that tripped my tongue.

    I think my favorite part of this is the ending though. I loved your nod to the fact that even when something is hard, you can be grateful for it, learn something from it.

  4. Thanks for the comments folks! I wonder if it would work better if I changed that "yesterday" line to "Five drafts went in the trash today."

  5. This was so fun! I particularly enjoyed the third stanza from the end - don’t ask me to explain why (should’ve taken Nate’s poetry class).

  6. Nicely done! This was fun and funny, and you did a great job of sticking to the form.

  7. I love this! It's fun and made me smile. :)


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