So I’ve been thinking about my doorbell. No, really. We just got it. It’s the Ring doorbell: My husband purchased this doorbell. It records 30 seconds of video every time it senses motion. If you’re a Luddite, like me, you may be thinking, “Isn’t that kind of nosy for a doorbell? Isn’t a doorbell’s job description, like, the simplest job description on earth? We, the human race, could be curing cancer, but we spent that money developing this?” So far, our Ring Doorbell has recorded: 18 visits by our mail carrier 36 trips to and from the school bus 15 visits by Amazon couriers delivering boxes (don’t judge, it’s the holidays) 157 times our next-door neighbor has walked from his side door to his driveway Our neighbor’s young adult son coming home at 2:30 AM A low-flying finch Me yelling at the dog Useful? Debatable. But my husband is a gadget guy, so now we have it. I had my doubts about this doorbell. But I kinda like it. Having lived in big cities most of...
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